What should I do if I am going bald?

I encountered this problem when I was only 19. To be frank, I was very worried, so I began seeking medical assistance, resorted to hair growth medication, and inquired about folk prescriptions. The process went on for more than 10 years, leading to incalculable money and time wasted. In the end, it was Domo Hair that offered my hair back, so If you think you are going bald, I suggest you

  1. Visit two professional dermatologists for medical consultation.
  2. Pay attention to your diet and habits. Try to maintain a normal lifestyle.
  3. Do not blindly believe in any folk prescriptions unless they can guarantee its success, otherwise 99% of the time, you will only grow a few strands of thin hair. It is time to accept the harsh reality.

There is no hair growth product in the world that can offer guaranteed success. In your quest to restore your abundance of hair volume, you are bound to waste your money on fruitless endeavors. It is just a matter of the amount.

Learning about Domo

When we lose a tooth, we will definitely order dentures or undergo dental implants.
The logic behind Domo Hair works similarly like dentures.

DOMO HAIR tailors to your needs.

It is customizable and the molds are made based on the head shape of the individual.
Through the comparison of hair qualities, such as hair type, hair color, age, the hair system offers a 1:1 instant restoration of your original hair volume to ensure the hair is flawless and indiscernible by others.
Unlike traditional wigs, the hair system is tailor-made because there is no two people in the world with the exact same head style, hair volume, hair color, and hair diameter.
Many of the wigs sold on the streets are just like over-the-counter dentures, so how can it offer a perfect match?

Domo Hair, a national treasure-level handcrafted crochet weaving technique.

In Hollywood movies, the hairstyles of the actors/actresses are tailor-made Technology Hair System s.
That is also the origin of the Technology Hair System. However, to tailor-make these custom wigs/hair systems by hand would require the expertise of experiencedartisans. Currently, these artisans are rare like national treasures.

Which should I choose,
Technology Hair System or hair transplantation?

Suitable Users

  • For people seeking instant results, the hair system guarantees 100% success in restoring hair volume without any harm to the body.

  • People tired of wasting money on fruitless dreams of hair regrowth.

  • People have spent money but received only a few t hin hairs for their hair regrowth efforts.

  • People who do not wish to use the obvious wigs sold on the streets

Unsuitable Users

  • People who still have an outdated perception of wigs.
  • Traditional misconceptions that believe that wigs must be (look) false.
  • People who are stubborn and insist that they will succeed in hair regrowth where others have failed.
  • People who seek perfection and are unable to tolerate any shortcomings in products
  • People who have normal hair volume and want to add more hair.
  • People who have low (own) hair density


The tailor-made hair system, as the name suggests, means that every individual have different order requirements, thus pricing will also be different while the main factors. affecting pricing differences are the following issues:

  • Area of bald patch, the pricing is calculated per square centimeter.*
  • Ordered model and unit price.
  • Securing Method. *
How much does DOMO HAIR's technology hair system cost?

* Pricing is calculated per square centimeter.

* In terms of the same style, the pricing ranks as follows: clip-in > front adhesive with rear clips > full adhesive

the difference in pricing will be around NT$ 30~50 thousand, but calculation based on above conditions will prevail.

Product Life

It is hard to say for certain how long the product would last but one thing we can share with you is that in many of the More FunHouse seminars, over 1/3 of our hair system users have used the product for more than three years and more than half of our users have used it for more than two years.

The important thing is, while others may be able to use the product for three years, there is no guarantee that you can for it is related to personal factors, such as the model type you chose , your usage habits , method of wearing , cleaning and maintenance .

But there is also no need to view the product as fragile. After all, it is a consumable product. In Europe or US, it is common for users to replace their hair systems once a year. Here in Taiwan, our conservative estimate is about two to three years before product replacement.

Securing Method

All Clips

4-6 hairpiece clips are sewn into the edges of the hairpiece which can be used to secure the hairpiece on the user's own hair outside the bald patch.

  1. Allows ease of wearing
  2. No trimming of user hair is required.
  3. Does not require peripheral consumables.
  1. User will feel the presence of foreign objects. The clips will dislodge the user's own hair after a period of usage, hence it is advised to change the securing positions after every 3 months.
  2. As only clips are used to secure the hair system on the user's own hair, the secureness is not as strong as the adhesive method, and the hair system cannot be worn for water activities, swimming, showering, or intense activities such as rollercoaster rides, but the hair system is still wind-resistant, so users need not worry about the hair system being dislodged or falling off.
  3. For the same bald patch area and same hairpiece model, the price of the clip-based version will be higher than the adhesive-based version because the area of the hairpiece must be larger than the bald patch. area, or there will be no anchor points for the hairpiece clips.

* This securing method is suitable for people with high hair density or are unwilling to trim their own hair.

All Adhesives

In this securing method, securing clips are sewn into the sides and rear of the hairpiece, leaving only the frontal part to be secured by adhesives.

  1. The hairpiece may be worn while showering and swimming, and also resist the typhoons.Even bungee jumping and snorkeling will pose no difficulties. (as proven in the videos).
  2. In terms of pricing, the adhesive based model is also lower for the same area and same model.
  3. The most comfortable and imperceptible fixation method.
  4. So it is fixation method that the CEO is currently using and highly recommends.

*Using adhesive requires a full customization based on the individual's head shape, with a mold and template made according to the specific head shape. Otherwise, there is a risk of poor fit and potential detachment, making it one of the most challenging aspects in the hair replacement industry.

  1. The remaining hair covered by the hairpiece should be trimmed or cut to allow convenience in adhering. (but will not damage the hair follicles)
  2. Users must buy peripheral consumables (Mainly the specialized adhesives, averaging about NT$ 1500 a year, it is cheaper than contact lenses).
  3. Major difference after taking off the hairpiece (Unless you are willing, no one will see your true appearance, just like no one will ever show their dentures to others.)
  4. Wearing time differs with each individual. According to statistics, users with more than half year experience are able to complete the wearing in just 5 seconds.

*Wearing Difficulties? 30 Minutes / 3 Minute / 3 Seconds (Please watch wearing videos) I recall that my first experience with the Technology Hair System took me about 30 minutes as I had no prior experience and there was no one to teach me, not to mention my perfectionist personality.
After a week, I reduced the wearing time to under 3 minutes, and now I can complete my wearing in just 3 seconds when I need to go out. This proves the teacher' s adage of "Practice makes perfect".
If you recall your childhood experiences with shoelaces, initially it would take very long but as one becomes more practiced, it becomes so easy that one can tie shoelaces while blindfolded!

Front Adhesive & Rear Clips Securing Method

In this securing method, securing clips are sewn into the sides and rear of the hairpiece, leaving only the frontal part to be secured by adhesives.

  1. No need to touch your own hair.
  2. You can comb the bangs upward to reveal the hairline.
  1. Similar to the clip-based method, but if the user wish to expose the hairline, then the hairpiece at the forehead area should be secured using special adhesives to ensure optimal effects.
  2. Of course, if the user does not need to reveal the forehead on purpose every day, then the user may choose not to use adhesives or may use simple adhesives instead.

*Many friends with M-shaped hair loss choose this fixation method.

Target Audience

More hair of their own

Not much outdoor activity

Prefers long hair

Target Audience

Less hair of their own

Passionate about sports

Values comfort and tight fit

Target Audience

Receding hairline

M-shaped hair loss

Abundant hair volume on both temples

Continuous Wearing

Many hair system users ask me how long the hairpiece can be worn continuously without taking it off. I replied that this depends on the region and the user's body. In Europe and US, many clients take it off once a month, and they wear it for their daily activities, such as showering, swimming, sleeping and working, so there is also a hairpiece adhesive product that allows users a lasting effect of one month.

But in Taiwan, I would strongly advise taking it off before sleeping if conditions allow it, and putting it on before going out. This is the most healthy and comfortable way. But if situations dictate a need for continuous use, I would suggest taking it off within 7 days for cleaning and maintenance. After all, Taiwan is in the subtropical region, and has relative higher temperature and humidity. If the hairpiece is to be worn continuously for 2-4 weeks like in Europe and US, I think it would cause a burden on the hairpiece which is unnecessary.

In the past, I have seen other companies claiming to be technology wigs (In fact, those are over-the-counter products.). They made bold claims in their commercials claiming that their products can be used continuously for two weeks before returning to the store for maintenance. It may seem good but I can guarantee that these companies have never tried on a wig because if the hairpiece is adhered directly to your scalp for two weeks, the hairpiece will not be damaged but your scalp may be damaged. Can you imagine wearing underwear for two weeks, no matter how permeable and thin?

Daily Maintenance

  1. Daily maintenance is simple. Clean the hairpiece about every 7 days on average. There is no need for daily cleaning.
  2. Normally, the hairpiece can be placed on the hairpiece rack to prevent distortion. This is similar to good clothes requiring support from clothes hangers to prevent distortion.
  3. Every 1~2 months on average, the hairpiece should be sent back to original manufacturer for in-depth cleaning, maintenance and disinfection treatment.

* Our company will offer dedicated personnel to teach you the cleaning procedures, so you can rest assured.

Satisfaction Guarantee

This is unprecedented in industry and a risk for the Company. But why do we insist until today? We do not want our consumers to think they are wasting their money.

Everyone knows that with tailor-made products, if you reject the product, then the product also cannot be used by others, just like dentures.

If you reject the product, then it is worthless garbage which means that our salon will incur a loss.

* However, this rule does not apply to the "Platinum series" because the costs are too high.
Also, the artisan is very proud of his craft. That is why I never recommend the platinum series to clients (although its sewing is acknowledged as the best craft today).

Production Time

This is both the advantage and disadvantage of the product because all production procedures in the Technology Hair System, from the head measurement, mold production, hair color calibration, to sewing of hair flow and dozens of other procedures must be 100% completed by hand by the artisan.

It is a time-consuming and exhaustive process that has no room for cutting corners and shoddy work because as we said earlier, this involves the risk of client satisfaction and thus payment.

We have strict requirements in place to ensure every procedure by every artisan is completed step-by-step honestly. So users often ask if it is possible to speed up the production process or if the product can be ready within a month.

From the perspectives of business management, we also wish to complete the product faster and receive the payment earlier but it is definitely worthwhile to be patient to ensure optimal product quality. We also understand the anxiousness of the clients, so our website offers a product tracking system to allow clients to understand the progress of the production.

Expensive is Better?

  1. There is an old saying, "You get what you pay, you can't get quality products cheaply".
  2. But the Technology Hair System proves exception to the rule.
  3. In place, we offer the concept of one advantage instead of the other.
  4. First, the user should understand what is the issue of most concern? Naturalness? Durability? Permeability? Budget considerations? This is just like buying a car. Do you want to buy a SUV? Sedan? Truck? Sports car? This is also the same with shoes, leather shoes? Cloth shoes? Rain boots? High heels? It depends on the user needs.
  5. Of course, the user should understand fully the characteristics of each product before making a decision.